Also in the context of solving problems for companies, sometimes companies have to resort to the Bankrupt process, as the only way out of a situation of high indebtedness, in which they no longer whether it can fulfill its obligations. With the decree of Bankrupt, all legal proceedings against the debtor are immediately suspended, often ending with long periods of cash deficit.
On the other hand, a company’s salvation may be the Special Revitalization Process (PER), which is intended for companies in a difficult economic situation or in a pre-Bankrupt situation and aims at the economic recovery of the company, with a long-term payment plan to all creditors, thus protecting itself from a possible declaration of Bankrupt.
With regard to individuals, our company can sponsor you in personal Bankrupt actions, to face difficulties in paying the commitments assumed, allowing you to solve a situation of excessive indebtedness , when a point of no return has been reached.
Individuals also have at their disposal the Special Process for Agreement of Payments (PEAP), which came into force in July 2017. This process is a similar process with the necessary caveats to the PER of the companies, allowing the household to be able to negotiate a plan to revitalize its financial life.
- Debt planning and restructuring;
- Bankrupt of legal persons;
- Bankrupt of natural persons;
- Special Revitalization Plan (PER) for legal persons;
- Special Plan for Payment Agreement (PEAP) for natural persons;